Rugaciune de dimineata – Pr. Arsenie Boca


Doamne Isuse Cristoase,
ajută-mă ca astăzi toată ziua
să mă lepăd de mine însumi,
că cine ştie din ce nimicuri mare vrajbă am să fac
şi astfel, ţinând la mine, să te pierd pe tine.

Continue reading “Rugaciune de dimineata – Pr. Arsenie Boca”

Rugaciune celtica de invocare a Sfantului Duh


Duhule Sfânt, puterea ta
Să fie-mprejurarea mea,
Supunere să-mi fie dragostea.

Când totul este glorie în cer
Şi gândul meu atât de efemer,
iar slava este-n fiecare zi,
Tu roua strălucirii să ne fii.

(Prelucrare, Ionatan Piroşca)

O veche binecuvantare celtica


Fă-ne tu drum şi în pământ şi-n ape
Cu pavăza-n urcuş ne fii aproape.
Când de vreo piatră ne vom poticni
Eu ştiu că din cădere tu ne vei sui.
Când răul lumii e ca ‘nalţii munţi,
Tu cântecul de slavă ni-l asculţi.


(Prelucrare, Ionatan Pirosca)



Cristos, eşti lumina ce-o ard,
Făclie îmi eşti peste nopţi.
Cu scutul ca mirul de nard
Mă ungi şi mă porţi.

Într-o palmă-ţi adăst,
Cu cealaltă mă strângi
Cum cloşca puii la sine…
Îţi mlţumesc că nu mă alungi
De lângă tine.

Eşti totul în mine şi îmi eşti împrejur
Ca un smerit şi blând al meu contur.
Deplin şi sfânt stăpân atotputernic
Fii între noi cuvântul cel cucernic.

Într-o palmă-ţi adăst,
Cu cealaltă mă strângi
Cum cloşca puii la sine…
Îţi mlţumesc că nu mă alungi
De lângă tine.

Cristos, eşti lumina ce-o ard,
Făclie îmi eşti peste nopţi.
Cu scutul ca mirul de nard
Mă ungi şi mă porţi.


[Celtic Daily Prayer. Northumbria Community]



Ia pacea sa, când pleci pe undeva
Trimis de Domnul să trăieşti în ea.

Si prin pustie de vei trece, prin furtuni,
Sub paza sa mereu să te aduni. Continue reading “Binecuvantare”

Afirmarea credintei

Deşi sărac, nu mi-a lipsit vreodată
În ziuă pâinea zilei ce-o veni.
Nu am şi nu avea-voi bogăţii,
Dar tot voi crede pân la capăt, Tată!
Deşi prea slab, mi-ai dat întotdeauna
Putere din lumini şi răsărit.
Cu pasul tău pe mare ai venit
Când nu am mai putut răbda furtuna. Continue reading “Afirmarea credintei”

Prayer for the Nation

China Easter Day

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and seek your direction and guidance.

We know your Word says, “Woe to those who call evil good,” but that’s exactly what we’ve done.

We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values.

Continue reading “Prayer for the Nation”

Prayer in Suffering – for my friend Emil

Father, let this suffering pass from me;
yet not my will but yours be done.
May you be blessed forever.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
With you I am nailed to the cross.
Let my pains be mingled with yours
for the saving of the world.

Holy Spirit, comforter and consoler,
heal what is ill in me,
strengthen what is weak,
sweeten what is sour or cranky.

Save me from depression and self-pity;
renew my courage;
bring me to pray with Jesus on the cross:
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.


(From the Redemptionist Mission Book)

31 May – Global Day of Prayer – A Prayer for the World


A Prayer for the World

“They lifted their voices to God with one accord…” Acts 4:24

Almighty God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Together with believers all over the world,
we gather today to glorify Your Name.

You are the Creator of heaven and earth.
There is no one like You, holy and righteous in all Your ways.
We submit to Your authority as the King of the universe.
We pray with one voice to enthrone You in our hearts
and to honour You before the world.

Lord God, You alone are worthy of our praise and adoration.

Continue reading “31 May – Global Day of Prayer – A Prayer for the World”

The Collect for Purity


Almighty God,
to whom all hearts are open,
all desires known,
and from whom no secrets are hidden,
cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may more perfectly love you
and worthily magnify your holy name,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

An Easter Prayer


Mariana Sain-Morar – Crucifixion

God our Father,
by raising Christ your Son
you conquered the power of death
and opened for us the way to eternal life.

Let our celebration today raise us up
and renew our lives by the Spirit that is within us.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Lent and Easter Wisdom from Thomas Merton


Reconcile today Lord Jesus,
all things and me to your Father in the power of the Holy Spirit
whom you have sent to renew us in freedom and joy
through the mystery of your resurrection from the dead.

In the words of St. Patrick, hear my Easter prayer:

“Christ, as a light, illumine and guide me.
Christ as a shield, overshadow and cover me.
Christ, be ever over me.

Christ be under me.
Christ be beside me, on left hand and right.
Christ, this day be within and without me.

Christ, the lowly and the meek.
Christ the all-powerful.

Be in the heart of each to whom I speak.
In the mouth of each who speaks to me,
in all who draw near to me, or hear me, or see me.”


(With thanks to Martin Jacques)

St. Teresa of Avila – A Prayer for Reality


May today there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to you…

(With thanks to Gil Kimber)

A Prayer for Wisdom

You are wisdom, uncreated and eternal,
the supreme first cause, above all being,

sovereign Godhead, sovereign goodness,
watching unseen the God-inspired
wisdom of Christian people.

Continue reading “A Prayer for Wisdom”

Nepotii la rugaciune


Doamne, noi îţi mulţumim (câteodată)
De mâncarea ce-o primim
(supa toată)
Noi la masă nu vorbim
(vorba vine)
Şi pe jos nu murdărim
(dă Doamne bine!)


Prayer of Werenfried van Straaten


Source of picture and prayer, HERE.

Lord Jesus Christ, we were not there when they crucified you,
but we are in constant danger of being heartless when we meet you
in those who are on the way to Calvary today.

Forgive us our lack of love and our selfishness.
Forgive us our heartlessness.

Continue reading “Prayer of Werenfried van Straaten”

Blessed are those who mourn


Mourning Angel – Geneva (Source: HERE)

Mourn my people, mourn.
Let your pain rise up in your heart and burst forth in you with sobs and cries.
Mourn for the silence that exists between you and your spouse.
Mourn for the way you were robbed of your innocence.

Mourn for the absence of a soft embrace, an intimate friendship, a life-giving sexuality.

Mourn for the abuse of your body, your mind, your heart.

Continue reading “Blessed are those who mourn”

A Prayer for Family and Church


Sandro Botticelli – Adoratia magilor

We are a broken, divided family
of lonely individuals,
each alone;
truly, we are not a family.

Communication with each other
seems impossible,
and love vanishes into the void.
Yet both are what we desperately need.

Continue reading “A Prayer for Family and Church”

Happy St Patrick’s Day! – St Patrick’s Breastplate

St Patrick’s Breastplate

I rise today
in the power’s strength,
invoking the Trinity,
believing in threeness,
confessing the oneness,
of creation’s Creator.

Continue reading “Happy St Patrick’s Day! – St Patrick’s Breastplate”

A prayer for today


Help me to be human.

Help me to bring out the best in everyone around me.

You have created man, so that he is capable
to consciously
appreciate all the gifts you have given him.
Lord, help me to appreciate all you have given me.

Help me to be truly human.


(Written by a teenager in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Courtesy of Fr. Martin Jacques, parish priest of the Anglican Church in Bucharest)

A Little Boy’s Prayer

Dear God,

Please take care of my daddy and my mommy and my sister and my brother and my doggy and me.

Oh, please take care of yourself, God. If anything happens to you, we’re gonna be in a big mess.

The Great Litany

To be said or sung, kneeling, standing, or in procession; before the Eucharist or after the Collects of Morning or Evening Prayer; or separately; especially in Lent and on Rogation days.

L – O God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth,
P – Have mercy upon us.

L – O God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
P – Have mercy upon us.

L – O God the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of the faithful,
P – Have mercy upon us.

L – O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, one God,
P – Have mercy upon us.

Continue reading “The Great Litany”

Ce inseamna sa fii asistent umanitar in Afghanistan


Sunt sigur că unii dintre cei care intră pe acest blog se întreabă la modul cel mai serios, cu ce anume mă ocup eu de fapt, de bântui atâta prin lume. Şi chiar dacă nu pot vorbi deschis chiar despre tot ceea ce fac în slujba mea (ştiţi bine că în lume există încă regimuri dictatoriale, inclusiv în unele dintre ţările de care răspund), vă asigur că nu lucrez pentru niciun serviciu secret şi nu adun informaţii militare (deşi există şi agenţi ai diverselor servicii secrete din lume care lucrează sub acoperire, între asistenţii umanitari, punând astfel în grav pericol viaţa acestora; dar cum, din păcate, viaţa altora nu valorează nici cât o ceapă degerată pentru serviciile de securitate, din orice ţară, oricât de civilizată ar fi aceasta, trebuie să ne asumăm acest risc, dacă vrem să-i ajutăm pe cei săraci şi oprimaţi la care ne-a trimis Dumnezeu.

Continue reading “Ce inseamna sa fii asistent umanitar in Afghanistan”

George Appleton – A Prayer for Today


Grant me O Lord, an understanding heart,
that I may see into the hearts of other people,

and know their strengths and weaknesses,

their hopes and their despairs, their efforts and failures,
their need of love and their need to love.

Through my touch with them grant comfort and hope,
and the assurance that new life begins at any age and any day,
redeeming the past, sanctifying the present,
and brightening the future,
with the assurance of your unfailing love,

brought to me in Jesus Christ,

your Son, my Lord.

Obama at National Prayer Breakfast


Remarks of President Barack Obama
National Prayer Breakfast
Thursday, February 5th, 2009
Washington, DC

Good morning. I want to thank the Co-Chairs of this breakfast, Representatives Heath Shuler and Vernon Ehlers. I’d also like to thank Tony Blair for coming today, as well as our Vice President, Joe Biden, members of my Cabinet, members of Congress, clergy, friends, and dignitaries from across the world.

Continue reading “Obama at National Prayer Breakfast”

31 ianuarie – Zi internationala de rugaciune pentru Kosova

Dear brothers and sisters ,

Ten years after a tragic war that left thousands dead and a million people displaced, we once again ask you to join us for the tenth annual International Day of Prayer and Fasting for Kosova.

Continue reading “31 ianuarie – Zi internationala de rugaciune pentru Kosova”

Rick Warren’s Invocation Prayer at Obama’s Inauguration

Let us pray.

Almighty God, our Father, everything we see and everything we can’t see exists because of you alone. It all comes from you. It all belongs to you. It all exists for your glory.

Continue reading “Rick Warren’s Invocation Prayer at Obama’s Inauguration”

A prayer of Judah Halebi

Gods hiddenness
God's hiddenness

Lord, where shall I find you?

High and hidden is your place.

And where shall I not find you?

The world is full of your glory.

I have sought your nearness,

with all my heart I called you

and in going out to meet you

I found you coming in to meet me.

Rugaciune de Advent


John Barron, For unto You

*O, Dumnezeul celor care veghează,
Dă-ne binecuvântarea ta.

*O, Dumnezeul celor care aşteaptă,
Dă-ne un cuvânt bun pentru sufletele noastre.

*O, Dumnezeul celor care veghează,
Al celor care aşteaptă,
Al celor înceţi şi suferinzi,
Dă-ne binecuvântarea ta,
Dă-ne un cuvânt bun pentru sufletele noastre,
Ca să avem odihnă.

*O, Dumnezeul celor care veghează,
Al celor care aşteaptă,
Al celor înceţi şi suferinzi, Dă-ne binecuvântarea ta,

*Al îngerilor din ceruri

*Al pruncului din pântec,

Dă-ne binecuvântarea ta
Dă-ne un cuvânt bun pentru sufletele noastre,
Ca să avem odihnă şi să ne putem trezi
În bunătatea prezenţei tale.

(Din Celtic Daily Prayer, Northumbria Community.
Strofele cu asterisc * se citesc pe rând de câte un participant la rugăciune.
Textul în aldine se citeşte în cor de către toţi cei prezenţi.)

A Celtic Advent Liturgy


This is the last day of the Advent, the time of the year when, symbolically, liturgically and mystically, we await for the coming of the Lord.

I offer you today a little gift, from the richness of the Celtic spiritual tradition. (Upon request, I could send to those interested a power point version of this presentation.)

This Advent liturgy was inspired by a wonderful worship resource called Cloth for the Cradle, authored by John Bell and produced by Wild Goose Publications (for some reason, this link  is difficult to access at this time, but their resources are also available through, Wild Goose is the publishing arm of the Iona Community. I encourage you to explore this and other such resources produced by this most amazing worship leader I have ever met.

I mean John Bell, that you can see here in a typical pose, as he leads people in singing. I bet he can make any group sing almost any song, as complicated as it may be in less than five minutes.

It is worth visiting the mirific island of Iona, just to participate in a liturgy whene woprship is let by John Bell.

And, now, here is our little Celtic Advent liturgy. Enjoy and use freely. Continue reading “A Celtic Advent Liturgy”