Happy St Patrick’s Day! – St Patrick’s Breastplate

St Patrick’s Breastplate

I rise today
in the power’s strength,
invoking the Trinity,
believing in threeness,
confessing the oneness,
of creation’s Creator.


I rise today
in the power of Christ’s birth and baptism,
in the power of his crucifixion and burial,
in the power of his rising and ascending,
in the power of his descending and judging.


I rise today
in the power of the love of cherubim,
in the obedience of angels
and service of archangels,
in hope of rising to receive the reward,
in the prayers of patriarchs,
in the predictions of the prophets,
in the preaching of apostles,
in the faith of confessors,
in the innocence of holy virgins,
in the deeds of the righteous.


I rise today
in heaven’s might,
in sun’s brightness,
in moon’s radiance,
in fire’s glory,
in lightning’s quickness,
in wind’s swiftness,
in sea’s depth,
in earth’s stability,
in rock’s fixity.


I rise today
with the power of God to pilot me,
God’s strength to sustain me,
God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s eye to look ahead for me,
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to speak for me,
God’s hand to protect me


God’s way before me,
God’s shield to defend me,
God’s host to deliver me,

from snares of devils,
from evil temptations,
from nature’s failings,
from all who wish to harm me,
far or near,
alone and in a crowd.


Around me I gather today all these powers
against every cruel and merciless force
to attack my body and soul,
against the charms of false prophets,
the black laws of paganism,
the false laws of heretics,
the deceptions of idolatry,
against spells cast by women,
smiths, and druids,
and all unlawful knowledge
that harms the body and soul.


May Christ protect me today
against poison and burning,
against drowning and wounding,
so that I may have abundant reward;


Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me;
Christ within me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me;
Christ to the right of me,
Christ to the left of me;


Christ in my lying,
Christ in my sitting,
Christ in my rising;


Christ in the heart of all who think of me,
Christ on the tongue of all who speak to me,
Christ in the eye of all who see me,
Christ in the ear of all who hear me.


I rise today
in power’s strength,
invoking the Trinity,
believing in threeness,
confessing the oneness,
of creation’s Creator.


For to the Lord belongs salvation,
and to the Lord belongs salvation
and to Christ belongs salvation.
May your salvation, Lord,
be with us always.


Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

6 thoughts on “Happy St Patrick’s Day! – St Patrick’s Breastplate”

  1. SINGELE LUI ISUS (sau prin)

    Imi curata pacatele
    Sint aprobat de Dumnezeu
    sint socotit neprihanit
    am rascumparare
    sint sfintit
    Am pace cu Dumnezeu
    Sint in legatura cu Dumnezeu
    Sint cumparat
    Imi curata cugetul
    Prin singele lui Isus Hristos pot veni plin de
    incredere inaintea Lui Dumnezeu
    Imi este nepretuit


  2. Multumesc frumos si ramin indatorat. Voi ryga un poet sa prelucreze aceasta prima traducere in cheie poetica si poate iese ceva care sa poata fi folosit in sens ecumanic.


  3. Ma scol astazi
    Intru taria puterii,
    Chemand Treimea,
    Crezand treimea,
    Si marturisind unimea
    Facatorului fapturii.

    Ma scol astazi
    Intru puterea nasterii si a botezului lui Hristos,
    Intru puterea Rastignirii si ingroparii Lui,
    Intru puterea invierii si inaltarii Lui,
    Intru puterea venirii si judetului Sau.

    Ma scol astazi
    Intru puterea dragostei heruvimilor,
    Intru asultarea ingerilor,
    Si slujba arhanghelilor,
    Intru nadejdea invierii spre primirea rasplatirii,
    Intru rugaiunile patriarhilor,
    Intru prorociile prorocilor,
    Intru propovaduirea Apostolilor,
    Intru credinta marturisitorilor,
    Intru curatia sfintelor fecioare,
    Si intru faptele dreptilor.

    Ma scol astazi
    Intru taria cerului,
    Intru stralucirea soarelui,
    Intru stralucirea lunii,
    Intru slava focului,
    Intru repezimea fulgerului,
    Intru iutimea vantului,
    Intru adancimea marii,
    Intru neclintirea pamantului,
    Intru nemiscarea stancii.

    Ma scol astazi
    Cu puterea lui Dumnezeu sa ma indrepteze,
    Cu taria lui Dumnezeu sa ma sprijineasca,
    Cu intelepciune lui Dumnezeu sa ma calauzeasca,
    Cu ochiul lui dumnezeu sa ma privegheze,
    Cu urechea lui Dumnezeu sa ma auda,
    Cu cuvantul lui Dumnezeu sa vorbeasca mie,
    Cu mana lui Dumnezeu sa ma pazeasca.

    Calea lui Dumnezeu inaintea mea
    Scutul lui Dumnezeu sa ma pazeasca,
    Oastea lui Dumnezeu sa ma izbaveasca:
    De cursele dracilor,
    De ispitele cele rele,
    De slabiciunea firii,
    De toti cei ce voiesc mie raul,
    De departe sau de aproape,
    Singuri sau mai multi.

    Imprejuul meu adn astazi oate aceste puteri
    Impotriva a toata puterea cea rea si nemiloasa,
    Ce se osteste asupra trupului si sufletului meu,
    Impotriva farmeclor proorocilor mincinosi,
    Legilor celor intunecate ale paganatatii,
    Legilor celor mincinoase ale ereticilor,
    Inselaciunilor sujbei idolesti,
    Impotriva facaturilor muieresti,
    Ale faurilor si druizilor
    Si a toata nelegiuita stiinta
    Ce pagubeste trupul si sufletul.

    Hristos sa ma pazeasca astazi
    De otrava si de foc,
    De inec si de rana,
    Ca sa iau imbelsugata rasplatire.

    Hristos cu mine,
    Hristos inaintea mea,
    Hristos inapoia mea,
    Hristos inlauntrul meu,
    Hristos de desuptul meu,
    Hristos deasupra mea;
    Hristos la dreapta mea,
    Hrisos la stanga mea;

    Hrisos in asternutul meu,
    Hristos intru sederea mea,
    Hristos intru scularea mea;

    Ma scol astazi
    Intru taria puterii,
    Chemand Treimea,
    Crezand treimea
    Si marturisind unimea
    Facatorului fapturii.

    Ca a Domnului este mantuirea,
    Si a domnului este mantuirea,
    Si a lui Hristos este mantuirea.
    Fie Doamne mantuirea Ta
    Pururea cu noi.

    hristos in inima a toti ce vor cugeta la mine,
    Hristos pe limba a toti cati vor vorbi mie,
    Hristos in ochiul a toi cati ma vor vedea,
    Hristos in urechea a toti cati ma vor auzi.

    Nu pretind ca este o talmacire cu mult talent literar insa cred ca reda cat de cat pe romaneste acest Talisman al Sf. Patrichie, luminatorul Iverniei, avand in vedere ca o limba liturgica si bisericeasca romaneasca suna cel mai fireste in varianta ortodoxa.


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