Daniel Oprean – Theology of Participation: A Conversation of Traditions

Daniel Oprean – Theology of Particiation: A Conversation of Traditions

I just found out one year later (I have no idea how I missed the annoucement) that Langham Monographs has published the PhD of my friend Daniel Oprean, for which I was one of the supervisors, as it also deals with the theology of Dumitru Staniloae. Another excellent example of dialogical ecumenical theology. Well done, Daniel!

Here is the presentation of the volume as it appears on Amazon:

Baptists in Romania have developed a practice of suspicion when it comes to religious dialogue, especially with the Romanian Orthodox tradition, due to a history that is characterized by oppression. In this detailed study Dr Daniel Oprean paves the way for positive dialogue between the two traditions, highlighting that much can be gained and learned by acknowledging similarities and differences in key aspects of theology.

Dr Oprean explores how existing theological resources can be used to enhance theological discourse between Baptist and Orthodox traditions in Romania through in-depth analysis of the thought of British Baptist theologian, Professor Paul Fiddes, and Romanian Orthodox theologian, Father Dumitru Stăniloae. Oprean in particular looks at their understanding of trinitarian and human participation through perichoresis, the Eucharist, Christian spirituality, and baptism and chrismation. Presented as a conversation between the two traditions this study is a model for how theological and religious dialogue can facilitate reconciliation, not just in the church but also in wider society.

Call for Papers: Dumitru Staniloae’s encounter with the West

European Academy of Religion Annual Conference
Bologna, March 4-7 2019


Dumitru Staniloae’s encounter with the West

Proponent: Petre Maican (University of Aberdeen)

Dumitru Staniloae (1903-1993) has been one of the most creative Orthodox theologians of the twentieth century, yet one of the least known. His theological vision is a majestic combination of Florovsky’s’ neopatristic epistemology, philocalic wisdom, and Romanian folkloric elements. Still, Staniloae never shone away from engaging with Western theology and philosophy whether critical or constructive. His theological edifice bears the marks of his encounters with Karl Rahner, Martin Buber, Karl Barth or Paul Tillich. This panel seeks to uncover the significance of these interactions for Staniloae’s thinking. Was Staniloae a faithful reader of Western theology and philosophy? To what extent was he influenced by theological debates in Roman Catholicism or Protestantism, especially Vatican II? How was Staniloae’s interpretation of the Fathers impacted by the trends of Western historical criticism? How did the ecumenical interactions shape his understanding of Orthodox theology?
Language: English
Speakers already selected: Petrea Maican (University of Aberdeen), Viorel Coman (KU Leuven)
Disciplines involved: Theology, Ecclesiology, History, Social Sciences
If you want to submit your paper, please write to petre.maican@gmail.com

Dr Danut Manastireanu on Father Dumitru Staniloae (Part Two)

DanutM at IOCS2

Dr Danut Manastireanu on Father Dumitru Staniloae (Part Two) (link here to watch)

This is the second presentation I have done on 16 April, 2016, at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies (IOCS), in Cambridge, UK, as part of a series of community lectures titled ‘Contemporary Fathers and Mothers of the Church: Guides for Today’s World’.

I concentrate in this second lecture on my personal encounter with Orthodoxy in general and the theology of Father Dumitru Staniloae in particular.

Many thanks, again, to my dear friend Dr. David Frost, then Principal of IOCS, and to my Romanian friends there, Dr. Razvan Porumb and Fr. Dragos Herescu, for their kind invitation, warm hospitality, and delightful open conversation we had during this event.

You may download at the link below the PDF text of my presentation.

Danut Manastireanu – My Personal Encounter with Fr Dumitru Staniloae’s Theology


Dr Danut Manastireanu on Father Dumitru Staniloae – 16 April 2016, IOCS, Cambridge, UK

Click on the link under the image to watch the lecture.
DanutM at IOCS1
Dr Danut Manastireanu on Father Dumitru Staniloae

This is the first presentation I have done on 16 April, 2016, at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies (IOCS), in Cambridge, UK, as part of a series of community lectures titled ‘Contemporary Fathers and Mothers of the Church: Guides for Today’s World’.

I concentrate in this first lecture on the spiritual and ecumenical implications of Fr Dumitru Staniloae’s theology.

Many thanks, again, to my dear friend Dr. David Frost, then Principal of IOCS, and to my Romanian friends there, Dr. Razvan Porumb and Fr. Dragos Herescu, for their kind invitation, warm hospitality, and delightful open conversation we had during this event.

You may download at the links below the sketch of Father Staniloae’s life and the text of my lecture.

Danut Manastireanu – Fr Dumitru Staniloae – A Brief Biographical Sketch

Danut Manastireanu – Spiritual and Ecumenical Implications of Fr Dumitru Staniloae’s Theology

16 April 2016 – An invitation from IOCS in Cambridge


The latest newsletter of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge, UK, announces the kind invitation I have received from the Principal of the college, Dr. David Frost, to present on April 16 two open lectures on Fr Dumitru Staniloae, as part of the Community Lecture Days initiative, which explores during the current academic year the theme ‘Contemporary Fathers and Mothers of the Church. Guides for Today’s World’.

This is a real honour, as it comes from an institution and a person that are really dear to me, and I hope it will be an opportunity for reciprocal enrichment. So help us God!

Ronald Roberson – Bisericile Crestine Rasaritene. O scurta prezentare

Bisericile Crestine Rasaritene

Unul dintre motivele care m-au determinat sa scriu acest scurt studiu despre Bisericile Crestine Rasaritene a fost convingerea mea ca un factor major ce împie­dica reconcilierea între crestinii din Rasarit si din Apus este lipsa de cunoastere reci­proca. În particular, cunoasterea Rasaritului crestin de catre crestinii apuseni este, din pacate, insuficienta; de aceea, sper ca, prezentând o astfel de privire panoramica, sa-i pot ajuta pe confratii mei catolici si protestanti sa-i înteleaga mai bine pe fratii si surorile noastre din Rasarit.

Este, de asemenea, adevarat ca însisi crestinii rasariteni adesea nu sunt bine infor­mati cu privire la Bisericile Rasaritene carora ei nu le apartin, si prea des opiniile se formeaza pe baza unor distorsionari sau a unor prejudecati istorice. Astfel, în aceasta carte m-am straduit sa prezint istoria si circumstantele actuale ale diferitelor Biserici în mod obiectiv, relatând evenimentele asa cum le-am putut determina mai bine, fara a emite judecati cu privire la cum ar trebui sa fie lucrurile.

Informatiile continute în aceasta editie în limba româna a cartii au fost actualizate pâna în ianuarie 2004. Astfel, este mai actualizata decât cea mai recenta (a sasea) editie în limba engleza, care a fost publicata de Institutul Pontifical Oriental din Roma în 1999. Continue reading “Ronald Roberson – Bisericile Crestine Rasaritene. O scurta prezentare”

Studii Teologice – O lista (incompleta) a tezelor de doctorat dedicate teologiei lui Dumitru Staniloae

In seara aceasta am primit de la Prof. Dr. Adrian Marinescu, de la Universitatea Ludwig-Maximilian din Munchen un mesaj in care anunta aparitia in acest an a unui numar omagial al revistei ortodoxe Studii teologice, dedicat teologiei Pr. Dumitro Staniloae, cu acazia impliniriia 20 de ani de la trecerea lui la cele vesnice.

Cu aceasta ocazie, coordonatorii acestui numar au luat initiativa adunarii pe o pagina a sitului revistei a unei liste a tuturor tezelor de doctorat dedicate teologiei lui Staniloae. Lista este deocamdata incompleta si contine unele erori (pe ele pe care le-am observat le-am semnalat deja initiatorilor), dar sper ca aceasta va fi curind completata si corectata, cu ajutorul celor interesati.

De aceea as vrea sa va rog sa transmiteti mai departe aceasta informatie, celor care ar putea contribui cu informatii la acest proiect.

Pagina respectiva poate fi accesata AICI.


Intr-un al doilea mesaj al Prof. Munteanu am primit si urmatoarea rugaminte, pe care v-o transmit mai departe:

V-aș fi recunoscător dacă ne-ați putea ajuta și în continuare. Mai ales dacă ați dispune de fotografii inedite și scrisori de la Păr. Dumitru Stăniloae pe care ni le dorim publicate înainte de toate în nr. tematic. Așteptăm de la dvs și orice altă propunere.
Știu că Păr. Stăniloae a fost de mai multe ori, sau, cel puțin, în mai multe locuri în America. Nu am atât de multe contacte acolo. Însă dacă am putea să recuperăm din fotografiile făcute acolo (poate unele publicate prin unele reviste, la capitolul stiri sau altfel) și din corespondență, ar fi foarte bine.

My PhD Thesis – A Perichoretic Model of the Church. The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of Dumitru Staniloae Has Been Published

Dear friends,

I am very glad to share with you that the original text of my PhD thesis, titled A Perichoretic Model of the Church. The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of Dumitru Staniloae, that I have defended in 2004 at London School of Theology (Brunel University) has just been published by Lambert Academic Publishing in Germany. Continue reading “My PhD Thesis – A Perichoretic Model of the Church. The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of Dumitru Staniloae Has Been Published”

Dumitru Staniloae. Tradition and Modernity in Theology – available online

I have received news that the book Dumitru Staniloae. Tradition and Modernity in Theology, edited by Dr. Lucian Turcescu, is available now online for free. You may download it HERE.

Three Romanian Evangelical authors, Emil Bartos, Danut Manastireanu and Silviu Rogobete, have contributed to this volume. Continue reading “Dumitru Staniloae. Tradition and Modernity in Theology – available online”