Wendell Berry – The Peace of Wild Berry

Wendell Berry - The Peace of Wild Things

Poem shared by Parker J Palmer, on his Facebook wall, in memory of the victims of the Orlando shooting.

Wendell Berry, Poet and Prophet, on His Hopes for Humanity

Excerpts from Wendell Berry’s dialogue with Bill Moyers, in 2013. Continue reading “Wendell Berry, Poet and Prophet, on His Hopes for Humanity”

Englewood Review of Books – Ten Social Critics that Christians Should Be Reading

Englewood Review of Books

The work of social critics is vital for the health and flourishing of the church, because they remind us of the brokenness of the world and challenge us to imagine new and more healthy ways of sharing life together.

Here are ten social critics whose work has been particularly helpful for me in trying to discern how to live faithfully in the twenty-first century. With each critic, I’ve included an excerpt that will serve as an introduction to that writer’s work.

Here is the list, with a few details about each author:

Wendell Berry

A Kentucky farmer and writer, Berry’s work challenges us to live peacefully within the created created and to find ways to vitalize our local communities.

Jacques Ellul

Ellul (1915-1994) was a French lawyer and scholar, renowned for his criticisms of technological society.  He also wrote a number of insightful theological works.

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Coates is a national correspondent for The Atlantic, whose 2015 book Between The World and Me won the National Book Award, among many others. Continue reading “Englewood Review of Books – Ten Social Critics that Christians Should Be Reading”

Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front

Wendell Berry – farmer, poet, academic

I have said a number of times lately that poets are often today’s prophets. The poem-manifest below is a proof that I am right, at least to a certain extent. I want to thank my friend Dewi Hughes, theological adviser of Tear Fund, for sharing this. Continue reading “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front”