John Pavlovitz – If You Voted for Donald Trump, You Owe My Children an Apology

John Pavlovitz

Note: This is a vitriolic and well deserved indictment to all those who, in their foolishness have made possible the election o an utter fool as President of  United States,

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If you voted for Donald Trump, you owe my children an apology.

You owe them an apology for making them grow up with a hateful, incompetent, petulant, predatory monster as their President.

For placing their safety in the hands of an impulsive child, who trolls world leaders with nuclear weapons and wields our military like an insecure coward brandishes a gun at a party.

For unleashing the fierce tide of bullying, racism, bigotry, and homophobia they have to see in their classrooms and ball fields and neighborhoods—because the man you chose has repeatedly encouraged and legislated it.

For making them do “shooter drills” at school, because you’ve sanctioned a man who is fully in bed with the NRA, who removes barriers to mentally ill people getting guns, and who does nothing to prevent military weapon proliferation.

For the terrifying images of a crowd of emboldened, violent, torch wielding Nazis terrorizing a town—and of a President who coddled them afterward.

For the inexplicable disconnect they see in a man claiming to be Christian—while being so devoid of anything remotely resembling Jesus.

You owe my daughter an apology for excusing his reprehensible words about women when voting for him; for ignoring the multiple accusations of sexual assault against him, for placing a man with such clear disregard for her at the highest level of leadership in the country she calls home.

You owe my son an apology for taking someone with a lifetime resume of filth and misogyny, and asking him to look up to that man as a leader; for rewarding the very sexist, ignorant, repugnant behavior we implore him never to engage in or abide in those around him.

You’ve let my children down by thrusting them into an America that is far less sovereign, less compassionate, less decent, more fractured, and more violent than it was a year ago—and because that truth alters children immersed in it.

But lest you think this is just about me, about my family, about my children—be assured it is not.

Yes, you’ve surely failed my children with your vote, and more so with the way you’ve doubled down on the toxicity released over the past year—but you don’t owe an apology to them alone.

You owe your children an apology too.

(Read the rest of this text on John’s website. You may also subscribe their for his posts, if you are interested.)


Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

6 thoughts on “John Pavlovitz – If You Voted for Donald Trump, You Owe My Children an Apology”

  1. “N-am scapat de Trump nici la masa de Thanksgiving” -un articol scris de un prof de la Stanford pe CNN (inamic public declarata al lui Trump). El sustine doct ceea ce eu am spus in cuvinte simple. Americanii -si nu numai ei- au o obsesie cu Trump care echivaleaza cu cea fata de un foarte popular Hollywood star. Strict emptional; nejustificat factual. Autorii crestini? Sunt si ei oameni supusi psihozelor de tot felul. E mai grav decit ce fac autorii necrestini? Desigur pt ca cei crestini pretind a vorbi din partea lui Dumnezeu… care nu e insa susceptibil psihozelor umane.


  2. Au trecut 10 luni de cind destrabalatul trebuia sa aduca apocalipsa pe pamint si n-a adus-o. Am citit analiza de mai sus si multe analize facute de psihiatri si teologi pe seama monstrului destrabalat. Ce-a facut de cind e presedinte? Nu mare lucru. A incercat sa faca ce-a promis in campanie si in mare l-au blocat. N-anceput razboul atomic si nici necazul cel mare. Toate analizele astea sufera de un anumit cretinism (cer iertare). Transforma un personaj real, mediocru si destul de marginit cu solutii simpliste (Trump) intr-unul gargantuan-esc, nu univeral si cosmic, o adevarata intruchipare a raului, un anticrist, Dar Veda, Sata intrupat, etc. Toate epitetele negative din dictionar si unele noi au fost aruncate pe capul unui om,monstruos de-a dreptul. Pe linga el, Putin e-un ingeras bonom. Sunt destul de batrin si traiesc in USA; d-le Manastireanu, personajul descris mai sus nu exista in realitate decit in mintea analistilor. Monstrul isi iubeste copiii, are o muiere normala (fara respect pt morala dinsei) nu e nimic montruos in rarunchii lui. Cu cit mai multa analiza denigranta citesc, cu atit mai mult imi dau seama ca oamenii isi creaza un ideal al raului dintr-un om fara vreo legatura cu realitate.
    PS- La alegeri ni s-a spus ca copiii s-au dus la culcare disperati si au trebuit dusi consilier. I-auzi! Copiii acaparati de electromnice si Pokiman au fsot dintr-odata cuprinsi de interes pt idealuri de bine si frumos, de cunoastere a stiintei si tehnologiei, artei si toate aceste idealuri s-au prabusit dintr-o data din cauza de Trump. Lumea aceasta domnul meu nu exista decit in mintea ideologilor stingisti care-si vad prabusita utopia personala. N-are corespondent in realitate oricit de rau ar fi Trump ca om si presedinte.


  3. E usor sa reduci analiza la slogane. De multe ori asta face siTrump in lipsa de idei. Daca acestui autor i-ar pasa de America copiilor lui ar avea ingrijrari mai semnificative.


  4. Domnul meu, daca nu v-ar duce mintea, v-as crede, si v-as compatimi.
    Dar asa, cinismul dvs. trumpist mi se pare absolut gretos.
    Ramineti cu destrabalatul dvs de presedinte. Il meritati pe deplin.


  5. I voted for this “monster” as President and I don’t owe nothing this guy’s (whomever he is) children. This gentlemen has serious issues. Take for instance only this statement: “an America that is… less decent”. Ha, Ha, Ha! Can America be less decent than already was? Look to what happened in Hollywood endless sex scandal! And Hollywood is a god example because they had the same approach to this president as this gentleman.


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