Kevin Rudd and the islamofobs

Kevin Rudd is my favourite international politician these days (as you may easily guess, I have no favourite among Romanian politicians). Here are a few reasons for my sympathy;

1. He is the prime minister of Australia and head of the centre-left Labour Party. Although I have always voted for the right, after the aberrations of the Bush jr. era, I find myself much more simpathetic to those of the left of centre.

2. Rudd is also a Christian politician (he worships in an Anglican church) who seeks to apply consistently his Christian values and moral vision in the area of his vocation. He is a politician in the tradition of Tony Blair, another politician I have admired, in spite of his blind support for the  American Republican administration in Iraq.

3. The Australian prime minister is also a man of firm opinions. Yet, even when he makes strong statements, he never falls into the extremist habits of the American Right (be it religious or not).

Rudd became a hero for the islamofobs in the west when he made a series of declarations about the danger of islamism in Australia. Yet, what these people forget is that he never looses the balance and the common sense, even in the heated of debates

Thus, the prime minister was criticised by some for condemning a Muslim cleric for his advise to Muslims to “beat their wives”… as long as they don’t bleed. Commenting on this, The Times writes:

Mr Rudd condemned Mr Hamza’s comments today, saying violence against women was permissible “under no circumstances.”

“Australia will not tolerate these sort of remarks,” the Prime Minister told reporters. “They don’t belong in modern Australia, and he should stand up, repudiate them, and apologize.”

Fortunately, “his call for an apology was echoed by Muslim leaders in Australia, who expressed their concern that impressionable young male Moslems would watch Mr Hamza’s video and be influenced by it”. It may not surprise anyone that the cleric never apoloogised.

Kevin Rudd is always backing up his words (even the strongest ones) with deeds that provide the context for their correct interpretation. But about this I will discuss in my next post about Rudd.

Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

9 thoughts on “Kevin Rudd and the islamofobs”

  1. De fapt n-a fost vorba de un email, ci eu am gasit site-ul la care am si pus link, dar, din graba si fiind obosit, n-am verificat veridicitatea. Se mai intimpla. Sper ca nu prea des.


  2. No apologies needed, Mr. Manastireanu. Toti primim o groaza de mesaje pe e-mail si-ar trebui ore-ntregi sa le verificam sursa si veridicitatea.
    A funny story:
    Am descoperit blogul Dvs. tot ca urmare a unui fel de “scam”: primisem un email cu acea “Balada A lui Ion Americanu” ce-ati publicat-o la sectia Umor, vara trecuta – insa autor era cineva de prin Texas. M-am amuzat copios, si dupa un pic de research, am vazut ca a fost trimisa de ici-colo, cel mai adesea cu “autor anonim”, insa pe un “hi5”, cineva si-o revendicase de-a binelea iar prietenii il laudau nevoie mare…
    In fine , asa am dat de blogul Dvs. – deci in cazul meu “scam”-ul cu-acele “chain-letters” mi-a prins bine.


  3. It is obvious that I did not wantch and I was the victim of a scam. I should have known better. I sincerely apologise.
    I have made the necessary corrections in the text.


  4. After re-reading my comment, I noticed a slight nastiness on my part in specifying that the author is a Southern Baptist American and a Republican (and I’m sure he’s also a neocon).
    Can you still love him?..


  5. Thanks for posting that. The quote is excellent. I know this quote was also attributed to John Howard, but after a bit of research I found the true author of this quote: his name is Barry Loudermilk.

    Some details about Barry Loudermilk:
    – He is a Baptist (sorry!)
    – He is an American (sorry sorry!)
    – He’s a REPUBLICAN! (sorry sorry sorry!)

    You can see his bio here, and here is a link to the newspaper in which his article was published in 2001.

    Here is his web page.

    I know you are a person of character, and I’m sure you will make the correction in your blog post and give credit to whom credit is due.

    Alex Pop


  6. Rudd: Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.”

    Why isn’t Great Britain blessed with such a prime minister, that has the same kind of back bone?


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