From Bondage to the Desert – 1.3 Role of the Secret Police – 4

1.3.4 Using the Influence of Well-Meaning Church Members

At times, when secret policemen do not have at their disposal collaborators who are in a position to influence or to spy on certain people, they attempt to use the influence of well-meaning but misguided church members or friends of the intended victim.

Because these unsuspecting and sincere people usually enjoy the trust of those under the surveillance of the secret police, they may do more harm to the victims than informers or the officers themselves.

Story – Upon reading through some secret police files, I was surprised to find that in many instances even the best friends and spiritual mentors of those under surveillance had been used unwittingly by the secret police to persuade them to stop being active in church ministry.

Suggestion – When freedom comes and people are given access to their secret police files, if you have any suspicion that you have been at any time the object of the special attention of the secret police, immediately ask for your personal files. If you delay, you may not be able to find all the relevant documents in them. Often the members of the former secret police will simply be incorporated into the new secret services, and they will have every interest in covering up their criminal past. Consequently, the more time they have at their disposal, the easier it will be for them to identify those documents that might incriminate them and to make them disappear.

Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

One thought on “From Bondage to the Desert – 1.3 Role of the Secret Police – 4”

  1. unuia dintre liderii oastei domnului aflat in detentia comunista, i s-a comunicat foarte serios de catre securitate ca in curind se va trece la legalizarea miscarii. dar pt ca miscarea sa fie ok, i s-a cerut o lista de vreo 20 de ostasi care ar putea sa isi asume functiile de conducere. zis si facut. lista a fost intocmita, a fost data la aprobare …si toti de pe lista au fost arestati, judecati si condamnati ca dusmani ai ordinii noului regim la termene grele.
    fratele a fost un porumbel; pacat ca nu a fost un pic de sarpe.


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