OC International – Three Encouraging Themes from Central and Eastern Europe

It has been about five months since I shared “A Preliminary Analysis of the Central and Eastern Europe GCPN Region,” an executive summary of the opportunities and challenges for making disciples in Central and Eastern Europe. (See the notes at the end for more details). Since writing this report, I’ve been privileged to speak with a number of mission leaders who focus on this region. As I’ve listened to them tell their stories, I’ve noted three encouraging themes.

New Prayer Initiatives

If a breakthrough is to happen in Central and Eastern Europe, it is agreed that prayer is key. More united, focused, prevailing prayer is needed. Several shared what they are doing to mobilize others to pray. A worker in Budapest has started a 24/7 prayer room. A Brazilian missionary couple produced a booklet to guide their prayer partners to intercede for 30 different topics. The Balkans had a prayer day May 4. A pastor in Kosovo sends out e-mail updates. There are numerous national prayer networks. Workers in Bulgaria produced a “virtual prayer walk” and a 30 day guide to mobilize prayer (pray4bulgaria.wordpress.com/virtual-prayer-walks). Another has prepared a guide to pray for a city based on the Lord’s Prayer (udmms.com/cityprayer). And I’ve heard of a woman prayer walking in Romania from Timisoara to Bucharest. It is encouraging to see such creative ways to motivate and guide people to pray. May their numbers increase!

So what are you doing to encourage others to pray for your country? Continue reading “OC International – Three Encouraging Themes from Central and Eastern Europe”