10 predictions about the future Church and shifting attendance patterns – ChristianWeek

Every generation experiences change. But sometimes you sense you’re in the midst of truly radical change, the kind that happens only every few centuries. Increasingly, I think we’re in such a moment now. Those of us in in Western culture…Read More→

Source: 10 predictions about the future Church and shifting attendance patterns – ChristianWeek

Here is a very interesting attempt to anticipate the changes that will face the Church in coming decades.

Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

5 thoughts on “10 predictions about the future Church and shifting attendance patterns – ChristianWeek”

  1. Desigur,”pasiunile”au aspecte variate.Tocmai în aceasta consta frumusetea vietii,a schimburilor de pareri,a comunicarii spre evolutia speciei umane, spre autentica viata,spre cunoasterea Adevarului absolut.
    Fiti binecuvântati.


  2. Sigur, este posibil. Trebuie sa spun insa ca, personal, nu sunt deloc pasionat dupa acest gen de furor eschatologicum, cum il numea unul dintre mentorii mei.


  3. Apocalipsa 3:16-20. – 8:1,2.
    Personal cred ca,traim perioada celei de-a saptea Biserici,a saptea pecete,si a celor sapte trâmbite…
    Toate sistemele economice,politico-religioase,se îndreapta spre colapsul iminent al sfârsitului^puterii acestui “veac” condus de “Mamona”
    Fiti binecuvântati.


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