Defending Scripture. Literally. | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Defending Scripture. Literally. | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction.

Are you one of those Christians struggling with impossibility of biblical literalism, or the so-called ‘biblicism’? Then, I would say you could find this confession refreshingly sincere and vulnerable.

Here is the conclusion of the text:

‘We shouldn’t be surprised (or worried) that in his overtures to us God uses every kind of language available—straightforward (but culturally lensed) historical narrative, analogy, metaphor, parable, poetry, apocalyptic vision, and, hallelujah, the Word made flesh, Jesus. The best way to receive his Word is with the humble conviction that not only can we find what we’re looking for, it (he) will be more than we could hope for, imagine, or fully comprehend. That’s the best news there is.


Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

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