Kindle DX in Romania

Retailer-ul Amazon a anuntat ca utilizatorii din 100 de tari, inclusiv Romania, pot face comenzi pentru DX, versiunea cu ecran de 9,7 inch a cititorului de carti electronice (e-reader) Kindle. DX costa 489 de dolari, livrarile vor incepe din 19 ianuarie, iar ecranul mare al terminalului permite si citirea hartilor, dar si a documentelor PDF, anunta compania. Kindle DX poate stoca 3.500 de carti, iar bateria tine o saptamana. Versiunea de Kindle cu ecran de sase inch a fost lansata pe plan mondial in octombrie anul trecut, iar DX era pana acum disponibila doar in SUA.

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Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

4 thoughts on “Kindle DX in Romania”

  1. CEI care cauta sa cumere Amazon’s Kindle DX ar fii bine sa citeasca urmatoarele reviews inainte de cumaprare:

    Wall Street Journal’s review of Sony’s DAILY EDITION e-reader:

    Also, recently Silicon Valley Mercury News published a comparison of the two most popular e-readers:

    Enjoy your reading experience!


  2. That has been the issue ever since e-Readers were available a decade (10 years) ago.

    Sony has a misto competing product… and I prefer to wait another 5 years before I take the leap and buy an e-reader.

    I need one that is more cross-platform compatible … and more expandable memory … so I can scan my library and put it all on the portable “e-book reader” and have precise search and research capability, ALSO.

    I can only dream … right now! Silicon Valley has the technology … the market is not ready for such an advanced product … yet.


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