Week of Prayer for North Korea – 7th Day

Day 7: North Koreans Will Declare God’s Glory to the Nations

I will set a sign among them and will send survivors from them to the nations…to the distant coastlands that have neither heard My fame nor seen My glory. And they will declare My glory among the nations. Isaiah 66:19

Open Doors supports North Korean Christians in secret with Bibles, books, education and relief aid. Often we receive thank you letters from North Korean underground church leaders. In each letter they thank the global Church for the support provided through Open Doors and for their love, and they ask for our prayers. In the words of one church leader, “I am very proud to see our believers’ faithful lives becoming more and more stabilized. Their lives are in danger every day and still they follow the Lord. This could have not been possible if it wasn’t for your endless effort and love towards our believers. Please continue to pray for us.”.

North Korean Christians note that even in these dark times, the Kingdom of God is expanding in North Korea. One wrote, “Thank you so much for your dedication and devoted hearts towards our believers. If I look back, I realize how gracious God is for His grace and protection. We couldn’t have come this far without the help of our foreign brothers and sisters. Every book that we received has been used effectively. They strengthen the believers and help us in accomplishing God’s work. Your books are like fellow travelers on a very lonely road.”

In time all will bow down before the one God, the Father of Jesus Christ.” This is the source and secret of world peace. “For this is what the LORD says, ‘I will extend peace to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees. As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.'” (Isaiah 66:12-13) God will continue what he already has begun in North Korea and in His time will use Christians from North Korea to declare His glory among nations!

READ ISAIAH 66:19-20

God is growing and purifying His church among the nations. He is using Open Doors to pray for, encourage and train His church in North Korea. And we in the “free world” are inspired by the faith and courage of His people in North Korea who stand in faithfulness in the midst of severe persecution. God indeed is preparing His church to “declare [His] glory among the nations.”


Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

2 thoughts on “Week of Prayer for North Korea – 7th Day”

  1. Multumes Danut pentru postarile acestea. Fie ca ele sa motiveze pe multi la rugaciune. Tocmai am aflat ca in Corea de Nord persecutia e crunta si ca e atasamentul la oricine altcineva in afara de presendinte constitue o transgresiunea si poate sa fie pedepsita.


  2. Thank you Danut for these N.Korea series.

    It reminds me how bad Romania used to be in the 80s, and that is why when I describe 80s Romania to westerners, I call it “North Korea light!” (vs. heavy).

    God have mercy on the North Korean people!


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