Rethinking Hospitality: Pondering the Sexual Harassment Scandal in Germany

food for thought

The Institute of Middle East Studies

By Mike Kuhn

[1]Germany photo

Not that long ago, German Chancellor Merkel made news by flinging the door open to immigrants seeking refuge from the Syrian war and the pandemonium unleashed by ISIS in Iraq and Syria.  In an ironic twist, the sexual harassment fiasco of Cologne (also Stuttgart and Hamburg) has refocused media attention on this policy and ignited a tinderbox of reaction to immigration in Germany and throughout Europe.[2]   The reaction, by any analysis, is justified—European women accosted by immigrant males shooting fireworks into a public square while surrounding the women, overpowering them, stalking, robbing, groping, raping…  It is difficult to imagine a more repugnant scene—immigrants finding a new home in Europe and returning the favor by unbridled sexual deviance directed toward the citizens of their new homeland!

Surely, in the name of decency, Germany should close the doors of hospitality to these intruders who show no respect…

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Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

2 thoughts on “Rethinking Hospitality: Pondering the Sexual Harassment Scandal in Germany”

  1. Am primit recent un email in care un nou caz de ucidere de misionari a a vut loc in Burkina Faso. Probabil nu e aici cel mai bun loc sa fac trimitere la aceasta stire, dar cred s-ar merita sa fie cunoscuta. Martirii, chiar daca protestantii nu-i sanctifica precum catolicii sau ortodocsii, cred ca ar trebui cel putin sa-i pretuiasca si sa nu-i uite.


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