The Gospel As Story – Sermon at Tbilisi Baptist Cathedral

Here is an outline of my sermon, which I have delivered at the invitation of Archbishop Malkhaz Songulashvili..


The Gospel As Story

Text: Mark 4:26-34


– Between concept and story – the siren song of modernity, replacing the fascination of story with the dullness and dryness of concept and system; stories are warm, personal and use metaphors to communicate.

– Two kinds of metaphors:
a. war metaphors: battle, cultural war, etc. – typical for the OT and loved by fundamentalists and the political right
b. peace metaphors: salt, light, seed, leaven – favoured by Jesus

Point of the text – The seed metaphor

1. Kingdom as Mystery – organic growth

2. Kingdom as Synergy – a divine-human (theo-anthropic) reality

3. Kingdom as Paradox – weeds and birds; unstoppable growth in the midst of opposition

Final admonition

Invitation to join the divine-human story.

Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

9 thoughts on “The Gospel As Story – Sermon at Tbilisi Baptist Cathedral”

  1. Dvs. puteti crede ce doriti, ca e la liber. In ce priveste sfaturile nesolicitate, luati=le cu dvs, si nu reveniti. Nu sunteti binevenit aici cu asemenea maniere grobiene. Adio!


  2. Cred ca e vorba de mandrie aici, pe care ati deprins-o in mod cert la baptisti. Trebuia sa fi ramas cu ei, sa nu contaminati si alte medii, mai “pioase”…


  3. Isus nu s-a plans niciodata ca a fost tratat de la egal la egal. Sunteti cumva mai mare ca el? Sau mai plin de mandrie?


  4. <om cher, cind am pascut noi impreuna bobocii pa islaz ca sa va permiteti aest si de familiarism.
    Invatati bunele maniere, daca vreti sa ia adastati pe aici. Daca nu, valea. Aici nu este loc pentru lipsa de bun simt.


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