Charles Twombly – Pelagius and His Nemesis, Augustine: A Tale of Two Temperaments

Pelagius1  Augustine_of_Hippo
Pelagius and Augustine

Pelagius was an amiable chap,
A nice man on the whole.
He thought that we had all the stuff
We needed for our soul.
The sacraments were extra help
That some need more than others;
But most of us can do just fine,
Especially with good mothers.

Augustine had a good mom too,
Though she could scheme and plan.
Might be the reason he took off
To live in another land.
Now they live in America
But still live far away;
‘Gus now lives in Florida;
Monica’s near LA.

[This is, obviously, a joke, but like any good joke, it contains a whole lot of truth to it.
A asked the permission of Charles to post it here, for my theological friends who have a sense of humour.For those who do not know the author, Charles Twombly is a virtual friend, whose PhD thesis on Christological perichoresis I have used with great benefit during my doctoral studies.]

Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

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