A. Schweitzer’s pen friendship with Elisabeth of Wied, Queen of Romania

Manu Contac shared some days ago this interesting information about Albert Schweitzer and Carmen Sylva, the Romanian Queen.


Schweitzer’s book on Bach (which he first wrote in French and then rewrote and doubled in German) made him a lot of friends throughout the world.

My Romanian readers will be glad to find out that Queen Elisabeth (29 December 1843 – 3 March/2 November 1916), wife of our first king, Carol I, was among his numerous correspondents.

Carmen Sylva, Queen of Romania, wrote me a long letter because I had made her beloved Bach still dearer to her, and it was followed by a whole series of others. The latest of them, directed to Africa, was painfully written with a pencil because her hand, which suffered from rheumatism, could no longer hold a pen. I could not accept the frequently written invitation at her castle in Sinaya, which carried with it the obligation to play the organ for her two hours a day. In the last years before my…

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Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

2 thoughts on “A. Schweitzer’s pen friendship with Elisabeth of Wied, Queen of Romania”

  1. Nu cred ca Schweither era unitarian, dar ca avea ideai de stinga, leberale cu privire la dumnezeirea lui Isus, este, din cite stiu adevarat. In acelasi timp, din cite stiu, a fost foarte critic fata de liberalismul clasic. Nu am studiat serios problema asta, asa ca nu ma pot pronunta.


  2. Si pe mine m-a impresionat viata lui Schweitzer cind am citit-o, acummulti ani. A fost un om mare, printre cei mai buni dintre cei binecunoscuti. Exista insa un lucru ingrijorator, conceptia sa despre Iisus Cristos. Cred ca era Unitarian; si daca gresesc era pe-aproape. Mi se poate arunca-n fata fundamentalismul dar divinitatea lui Iisus sta la baza doctrinelor tuturor confesiunilor crestine (mai putin unitarieni, ca pe martori si mormoni nu-i consider crestini). Si asta e o problema nu numai pt Schweitzer ci si pt noi. Daca intr-adevar cistigam atit de mult din credinta in diviniatea lui Iisus de ce nu facem si noi tot atitea fapte bune –macar- cit dr. AS? Poate tocmai pt faptul ca neprihanirea se dbindeste prin credinta si nu prin fapte.


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