3 cărți pentru familiarizarea credinciosului evanghelic cu Ortodoxia Răsăriteană

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Ca și evanghelici în România consider că suntem datori să ne cunoaștem aproapele ortodox. Cărțile despre ortodoxie de mai jos nu scriu însă despre ortodoxia populară, cea cu care suntem familiarizați noi, ci despre teologia Ortodoxiei Răsăritene. Cunoscând teologia ortodoxă vom fi câștigați pe două planuri: întâi prin interacțiunea cu paradigmele de gândire ale creștinismului răsăritean, de multe ori străine nouă cei care suntem urmași și moștenitori ai creștinismului apusean și protestant, apoi, prin bagajul de cunoștințe care ne vor permite să comunicăm cu ortodocșii folosind un limbaj adecvat, familiar lor.

Ortodoxia Răsăriteană din perspectivă occidentală, Don Fairbairn, Editura Multimedia Arad, 2005, Nr. Pagini: 283

Ortodoxia Răsăriteană din perspectivă occidentală, Don Fairbairn, Editura Multimedia Arad, 2005, Nr. Pagini: 283

Ortodoxia rasariteana din perspectiva occidentala prezinta o evaluare lucida si echilibrata a Ortodoxiei Rasaritene privita din perspectiva unui protestant dedicat.

In perspectiva unei prezente crescande a Ortodoxiei pe scena religioasa a Americii de Nord si a Marii Britanii, cartea de fata are menirea de a-l…

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Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

9 thoughts on “3 cărți pentru familiarizarea credinciosului evanghelic cu Ortodoxia Răsăriteană”

  1. I agree.
    I would also recommend Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism, published by Zondervan. We have published it in Romanian under the title Ortodoxie si evanghelism.


  2. In my opinion the 2 books by Daniel Clendenin should be required reading by any Baptist & Pentecostal Roumanian theology student. This is because these students will be operating (working) in an environment that is predominantly (culturally) Eastern Orthodox. But I am afraid engaging or being engaged by other Christian traditions is not in the interest of the seminaries or their leaders.

    When I asked the roumanian staff at Josiah Venture (http://www.josiahventure.com/about) how to they interact or work in an Eastern Orthodox context, the only response I got was a defensive one … “I learned the Gospel from the neoProtestants … so I am no longer Orthodox …”

    SAD. It is no wonder and before ’89 and nowadays the percentage of Pocaiti in Roumania is pretty much unchanged … a paltry 3% (and this includes all Pentecostal, Baptist, Adventist believers). I wonder if this lack of collaboration with other neoProtestants (exceptions at youth summer camp level …) and lack of knowing how to engage the predominant cultural religion is one of the main reasons ?!? … I don’t know.


  3. Dear Sorin,

    I am also intersted in such a dialogue and conversation (learning and talking to the EO christians and theologians).

    When God gave me a 2nd chance on Faith and called me again into His Kingdom, I had to decide what church to attend, so I attended the churches in my area who resembled the Early Church (liturgical, creedal, sacramental, etc.): LCMS lutheran, and Antiochian EO.

    I have learned many good things from the EO, have not yet read thru 1/2 of my EO books (including Filokalia), but I wish somehow the 16th century Lutheran-Orthodox dialogue would be picked up and some bridges being built.

    Here are some links in this regard that I would recommend for your reading:
    http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/djw/lutheran-orthodox.html (the paper by Eve Tibbs, PhD, Orthodox is worth its weight in gold … seriously).

    http://www.worldvieweverlasting.com/tag/eastern-orthodoxy/ (2 pages)

    From “American’s Luther” (CFW Walther): http://www.lutherquest.org/walther/articles/-400/nameLuth.htm

    25 thesis that “The Evangelical Lutheran Church the True Visible Church of God on Earth” http://www.lutherquest.org/walther/articles/cfw00006.htm and an adjustment … http://steadfastlutherans.org/?p=1597

    Hope this helps … the best from EOC and the best from ELC 🙂 East meets West (Eastern Orthodoxy Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church)


  4. Inter-confessional dialogue is a GREAT and much needed thing Danut … especially among the 4 great Christian theological traditions: Roman-Catholic, Eastern/Oriental Orthodox, Evangelical Lutheran, Evangelical Reformed.

    When God opened my eyes after being “a slave of the Watchtower” (another very riveting read) for 2-3 years, and became angry with God and read “freethinking” lit. and considered myself as Agnostic …. God gave me a 2nd chance at FAITH. That is the most dear and #1 thing in my life. And I hope my son and wife say the same thing!

    But when I built my Christian library and studies Early Christianity, historical & comparative theology, I realized there many good things in the RCC and EO & Evangelical traditions. But nevertheless I chose the Lutheran Confessions to be what I can say/point to that I “believe, teach and confess.”

    Jesus, Son of God have mercy on us sinner! (the shortest Trinitarian prayer … thanks to the EO tradition).


  5. If and When Clendenin is translated, Please make sure (or speak up) for the 2nd volume to be translated also …speaking of “Eastern Orthodox Theology” a great read-along (esp. for specialists or clergy) to vol 1 “Eastern Orthodox Christianity”

    I understand about both sides sharing blame … believe me … I see the warts in the EO camp also (everytime I hear a Ro. Orthodox sermon here in Odense DK, or hear my “ortho” relatives talk about those damn “pocaiti”). I expressed the strong criticism against Baptist Pastors/Preachers because I grew up in the Baptist RO. community, I wished there was a HIGHER level of integrity from folks who claim to believe, study, and preach THE WORD. sorry, I get a bit po’ed, recalling those times and the half-naked “sermons” heard ‘in the name of God’ (lots of things are justified by that last phrase 😦 }


  6. This is, indeed, a very interesting topic, at least for us, evangelicals living on an Orthodox environment. And, as you, say, not just for evangelism reasons (or should we call it proselytizing?).
    WE have a lot to learn from the orthodox, as well as from Catholics, and, I would dare to say, as some enlightened people among them would admit, they could learn athing or two from us also.


  7. Studying for my dissertation I had to read Clandenin and I was impressed by his understanding and presentation of the Eastern Orthodox theology. I felt ashamed that coming from the Orthodox church and from that culture I new so little about them. Anyway, I would suggest that evangelism shouldn’t be the only reason to get ourselves acquainted with their theology. When it comes to spiritual formation they do have a rich tradition. Too bad it is not used properly. In the same time, we have the discourse but not the practice…so…putting them together would be very profitable.

    I’m interested in conversations on this topic.


  8. Thanks, Gabriel.
    Indeed, Clendenin is a very knowledgeable on Orthodoxy. His book is not yet translated into Romanian. It should, I think.
    AS to the Baptist-Orthodox relations in Romania, the blame for bad relations is shared equally by both parts.


  9. Thanks for the update danut. Also, this reminds me of Daniel Clendenin 2 book on EO from a western mindset … very welcome, non-polemical introductions.

    I have to say, growing up in Communist Romania, inside the Baptist church, if the leadership would have been as honest and charitable towards the EO believers (and not have told divisive half-truth small things from the preaching Pulpit), I believe the Roumanian Evangelicals would have been/be better equipped to talk to and have more productive conversations with the EO brothers and sisters.

    LOOK (view) at this video to see how easy is for a Ro. baptist and Ro. orthodox clergy to talk passed each other (at an organized debate/conference). – “Dezbaterea teologică dintre ortodocşi şi baptişti – 1” and 2 & 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbHOZ8y0Pnc).

    If the clergy are so useless, how much more dire situation are the laity in?!? Very SAD, imho.

    That is one of the strongest reasons why I read and love your blog … you seem to foster a medium for inter-confessional/denominational Christian dialogue. This is much needed in our 21st century (where the Internet has not really helped us to be wiser, more charitable, and more united … as Christians).


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