Christos Yannaras — Pietism as an Ecclesiological Heresy

Christos Yannaras — Pietism as an Ecclesiological Heresy.

Evangelicals should read this text. Thanks, Charles Twombly.

Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

14 thoughts on “Christos Yannaras — Pietism as an Ecclesiological Heresy”

  1. Iata si raspunsul lui Brad Nassif:

    Hi Danut,

    Sorry to have missed you in Chicago. I’m currently teaching a class at Holy Cross Gk. Orthodox Seminary in Brookline, MA this week. My subject is “Readings in the Philokalia” based on my forthcoming book “The Philokalia: Exploring a Classic Text of Orthodox Spirituality” eds. Brock Bingaman and myself (Oxford, 2012).

    The only book I could suggest that falls in line with your interests is a book on St. Herman by Michael Oleska, a very competent expert on the life of this saint, and one who sees him through missionary eyes. Go the following link for the book:

    All the best,


  2. Bună ziua

    O să vă trimitem cu bucurie prezentarea în momentul când va fi finalizată. Cât despre Sf. Herman din Alaska nu ştim să fi apărut sau să apară o carte în limba română. Nici nu ştim să existe vreo monografie de referinţă în altă limbă deşi ar merita cu prisosinţă o cercetare serioasă pe această temă.

    Cu bine!


  3. Multumesc.
    As fi bucuros sa pun pe blog o prezentare a acestei carti, daca doriti sa-mi trimiteti.

    De asemenea, as vrea sa intreb, stitit cumva daca vreuna dintre editurile ortodoxe de la noi planuieste sa publice vreo carte legata de viata si misiunea Sf. Herman din Alaskja? Este un exemplu extraordinar de activitate misionara ortodoxa care ar merita sa fie cunoscuta de catre ortodocsii romani si nu numai de catre ortodocsi..


  4. pai daca ne uitam la evanghelii si la ceea ce a facut acolo isus cristos mi se pare ca este tocmai ce critica baci ianaras. daca vrea sa fie echilibrat, ar mai trebui sa puncteze sau vorba teologilor sa nuantzeze


  5. I like the way he found the link between pietism and capitalism as he explains it in the following text:

    “The initial historical link between pietism and capitalism is well known. The linchpin of the capitalist ideology may be identified with the pietistic demand for direct, quantifiable and judicially recompensed results from individual piety and morality– in this case, from hard work, honesty, thrift, rationalistic exploitation of “talents,” etc. Work acquires an autonomy: it is divorced from actual needs and becomes a religious obligation, finding its visible justification and “just deserts” in the accumulation of wealth. The management of wealth similarly becomes autonomous: it is divorced from social need and becomes part of the individual’s relationship with God, a relationship of quantitative deserts and rewards.11″

    It is clear to me the pietism is a sign of weakness not strength.


  6. Frank Schaeffer era mai acid/incisiv. Urmeaza? 🙂
    Ce atata chemare la pocainta si nastere din nou? Anglicanii nu se simt bine la apelul pentru a-si simti ”inima straniu incalzita”…. Wesley si urmasii lui (evanghelicii) sa-si mai tina gura! Ca si Oastea Domnului de altfel.


  7. Nu doriti sa comentati si dvs. ideile prezentate in capitolul recomandat? Christos Yannaras arunca niste ghiulele teologice greu de digerat poate de 95% din crestini.


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