40 Years in the Desert – 4. The Dangers of Freedom 1

4.1 Freedom Without Limits?

Freedom is a dangerous thing. It is almost like dynamite. If handled in the wrong way, it can do a lot of harm. As we have already said, freedom is not an easily understood concept for those who have never lived under it.

One of the most common myths that dominate the post-communist psyche is that genuine freedom has no limits. According to this myth, if people are truly free, they can do whatever they want, without any limitations or constraints. Yet such an idea is not only utopian but also absurd. If everybody was ‘free’ in this sense of the word, the world would become a total mess in a very short time. Freedom is not genuine if it infringes on the rights and freedoms of others.

True freedom requires self-imposed limitations and constant negotiation. From a Christian point of view, freedom is not a selfish individualistic right but a communitarian virtue. The Creator has given it to us not for self-gratification but for the glory of God and the service of others.

Author: DanutM

Anglican theologian. Former Director for Faith and Development Middle East and Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International

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